5th Apr 2015: K2 Campaign 2 data is available

Data from K2 Campaign 2 is now available for download in the "Data Search" facility and will shortly be available as pre-zipped bundles as well under "Bundles".

5th Mar 2015: Easily trace the origin of your data

We have now introduced a small tool that makes it easy for you to trace the origins of each individual data product in KASOC. Simply click the small "file-tree" icon next to the plot icon on the Data Search page and you will see a dialog-box which lists all the data that was used and combined in order to arrive at the final data products.
This will allow you to easily trace your files all the way back to the original Kepler measurements, and hence if any issues are discovered in any of the data somewhere along the chain, you can easily find out if derived data products were affected.

23rd Jan 2015: System Maintenance work @ Sat. 31 Jan. 2015

Due to system maintenance work, starting at 00:01am (Aarhus time) and lasting until about 2pm (Aarhus time), the KASOC server kasoc.phys.au.dk will not be available during this time.
The KASOC team.
