2nd Dec 2012: IMPORTANT: Timing errors in all Kepler data

An error affecting the timing in all Kepler data has been discovered, resulting in a 66.184 seconds offset between the reported times in the data files and the correct time. You can read more about the error on the following link:

26th Nov 2012: Q13 available

Data from Q13 has now been made available in KASOC. Since Kepler is now in the extended mission this release constitutes all ~160.000 targets observed in Q13, including both lightcurves and target pixel data.
Please make sure to read the data release notes since this release is the first to use PDC-MAP corrections to short cadence data (as opposed to PDC-LS in previous quarters). This could have implications if you use the PDC-corrected data. The release notes can be found under Information.

11th Sep 2012: Q12 data is available

The data from quarter 12 is now available for download. This constitutes the Kepler data gathered between 5th January and 28th March 2012. The data is available both as single files in the search facilities and as pre-bundled files.
As always we encourage you to read the "Kepler Data Characteristics Handbook" and the data release notes. They are available under "Information > Documentation". This is particularly important with this new data, as the Kepler spacecraft was hit by several CMEs from the Sun during Q12.
