23rd Apr 2012: Ground-Based observations

We are proud to announce yet another new section on the KASOC website and database: Ground-Based observations.
In this section we will aim at keeping a complete list of all the ground-based observations being carried out in support of the Kepler data.
There is already more than 7000 observations stored!
As always, the KASOC is nothing without its users - you! We need you to provide new information about the observation that each of you are carrying out.
But don't worry, it's very simple: Whenever you have made a new observation, simply go into the KASOC website and upload the information about your observations using the easy-to-use upload-interface and your observations will be visible to all members of KASC. This is a way to maintain complete records of what has been observed, but also to advertise your observations to the other members of KASC.
If you have several observations that you wish to add to the database you should always feel free to contact me (rasmush@phys.au.dk) and we will find a way to incorporate your observations into the KASOC database.
We hope you enjoy this new system!

12th Apr 2012: Input your classifications

It is now possible for all members of KASC to input their manual classifications of the Kepler target stars to the KASOC database.
Doing so will greatly help improve the search facilities on the website and the overall picture of the different pulsation classes present in the Kepler FOV.
To add classifications, simply look up the target in the "Star Catalog" and click the "Input Classification" button.

22nd Mar 2012: Introducing "Star Catalog" and "Data Search"

As you may have noticed we have been doing some clean-up of the KASOC website.
The Kepler Data Search facility has been moved into its own tab at the top of the page and we have introduced a new tool called the "Star Catalog". From here you will be able to search for your favorite star and get all the information currently stored in the database about each target.
These new tools will be expanded in the future, containing information such as oscillation frequencies.
