9th May 2011: Target pixel data (Q7)

We have now made the first Kepler pixel-level data available through the KASOC database. The target pixel data (TPD) contains the actual pixels used for constructing the familiar raw light curves.
For now, only Q7 targets have the TPD data available, but the plan is to include the TPD data for all future and past KASC targets, depending on how much it is used.
Because these new data files are roughly an order of magnitude larger than the light curves, we have set and upper limit of 10 on the number of files to be downloaded at once through the main search-facility. However, you can also download the TPD files as pre-bundled files under "Bundles".
Enjoy the new target pixel data!

2nd May 2011: Q7 data now available

Data from Quarter 7 is now available in the database, both via the search-facilities below and as pre-bundled zip files under "Bundles".
The "custom aperture" targets observed in Q7 is not yet available as they need special treatment in the KASOC pipeline.

21st Apr 2011: WG#1 Corrected data from Q6

The Working Group #1 corrected data from Q6 is now available in the database, both in pre-bundled zip files and in the standard search tool.
The special "custom aperture" targets will hopefully follow in a few days, together with the new Q7 data. Stay tuned, more information will follow soon...
