29th Dec 2009: Q2 Short Cadence data released

Short Cadence data from Q2 has been released. Please have a look at the readme-file and release notes found under "Information", describing a few changes to the file content and format of this release.

2nd Dec 2009: Commissioning Short Cadence data

The Short Cadence data from the commissioning period (Q0) is now available for download.
Further information about these data are available under "Information".

24th Nov 2009: First quarter of Short Cadence data released

The Kepler Science PI, William Borucki, has approved the release of the first roll (Q1) Kepler short cadence data for KASC analysis.
We remind KASC that in agreement with the Kepler release policy for KASC data release the data has been high-pass filtered using a KASOC developed software that allow removal of transit signatures but conserves the oscillation data.
You can find more information about these new data under "Information".
