17th Dec 2011: Q9 available

The data from quarter 9 is now available for download in the KASOC database. This constitutes the Kepler data gathered between 21th March and 26th June 2011. The data is available both as single files in the search facilities and as pre-bundled files.
As always, we encourage you to read the data release notes which can be found under "Information > Documentation" on the KASOC website.

This has been the first time where new procedures regarding the transfer of data from MAST to KASOC have been in place, meaning that we are now able to transfer much larger data amounts. This means that all Q9 data will have target pixel files available, in addition to the traditional light curve files in FITS and ASCII format.

1st Dec 2011: Updated Cotrending Basis Vectors

The Cotrending Basis Vectors for Q1-Q8 were improved and updated on Nov 30, 2011 (Q0 will not be reprocessed). Download the November version to replace any old CBV files on your system. The enhancements to the product are described on the "Information->Additional data" page, where the CBV-files can be found.

18th Oct 2011: KASC4 Photos

A lot of photos was collected during the KASC4 conference in Boulder. Go to "Information->KASC Conferences" to see some of the beautiful and funny pictures from the latest KASC workshop.
