18th Oct 2011: Q8 WG1 Corrected Data is available

New Q8 WG1 corrected data has been made available. Download them using the search-facility below, or as a single bundle under "Bundles".

4th Aug 2011: Q8 is available

The new KASC lightcurve data from Q8 has been made available. Please note that the the format of the lightcurve files has changed.
The target pixel files will be included later.

1st Aug 2011: Kepler FITS files - The second comming

As you may have heard, the Kepler FITS files are going through some changes and will have their internal format updated. This will start with the release of Q8 data, which will come very soon, and subsequently new releases of all data from Q0-Q7.
The details of the changes made to the FITS format can be read in the following document:
Changes to Kepler FITS files

The format of the KASOC ASCII files will be largely unchanged, with exception of the change from electrons per cadence to electrons per second and slightly different format of the data columns themselves. It should however not affect the way you import the data into your programs.
