20th Dec 2010: Search form (slightly) changed

We have added a new tab in the data search form below. The "Objects" tab allows searching for targets based on the identifiers from SIMBAD.
The field where you can specify KIC-numbers has also been moved under this new tab, and thus is no longer under the "Basic Data" tab.

16th Dec 2010: KASOC downtime

As you may have noticed, the KASOC website has been unavailable for some time during 15/16th Dec. The servers are now running again, but we of course apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused.

28th Oct 2010: Q5 data released

The data from Q5 have now been released to KASC. The data consists of 981 Short Cadence and 2358 Long Cadence time series and was obtained by Kepler in the period from the 20th March to 23th June 2010. As always, we urge you to have a look at the data release notes, which are available under "Information".
