30th Sep 2010: Q2 updated

The database has been updated to contain the latest release of Q2 data (Data Release 7).
The new data, which has been tagged with version-number 3, can be downloaded both as individual files from the regular database search below, and as pre-bundled files found under "Bundles".

7th Sep 2010: Q0 and Q1 updated

Most versions of the data from Q0 and Q1 have now been updated to the latest versions from the science office pipeline, and will from now on contain time in the BJD format, as opposed to the HJD format initially used in these quarters.

9th Aug 2010: Q4 is here!

We have just opened for access to the Q4 Long and Short cadence data. During Q4 the Kepler spacecraft suffered a drop-out of CCD module 3. To find out what this might mean for your data, please refer to the Data Release Notes which can be found under "Information".
As something new, we have made the data available as pre-bundled zip-files for those of you that needs to download all the Q4 data in one go. Just click the "Bundles" tab at the top of the page.
