28th Jun 2010: Download WG Corrected data in bundles

For those of you that need to download all the WG Corrected data, it is now possible to download these in pre-bundled ZIP-files for each quarter. You can find the files under "Information -> WG Corrected data".

17th Jun 2010: List of Kepler false positives

The Kepler Science team has released a list of transit candidates that has proven to be false positives. The list, which can of course still grow, contains several eclipsing binaries. The list can be found at:
http://archive.stsci.edu/kepler/false_positives.html (Note: Link no longer functional, 2019-05-22)

31st May 2010: New KASOC database features

We have just opened the new version of the KASOC database to the KASC users. The new features include Working Group Corrected data, Publications, Integration with the SIMBAD database, KASC members lists and lots of smaller features and improvements. Have fun with the new version!
